As familiar as this may look,it is real. We must go through the Process in Life to achieve our Goals. Look at the soccer world,the skills,effort,pace with which a team apply to a spherical structure called football never seize to amaze me,all with a single aim of finding the posterior of the net.
How big a goal is, determines how tough its processing will be. the glory of a gold is not known until it passes through the fire. Yes! The fire.There cannot be a process without a fire.
The size of a goal is destined by the size of its fire. It is good to have big goals, big dreams,big visions but wiser to envisage the size of its process(fire).
This is where we find the angular incisure located in our modern world.everyone is busy setting goals upon goals,agenda upon agenda yet only few r ready to seize the opportunities in their difficulties,the triumph in their trials. Everybody wants the glory but are not willing to hear the story.


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